Thursday 10 October 2013

Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same (4 Stars)

It must be tough being a bald lesbian from another planet stranded on Earth.

The planet Zots is suffering from an ecological crisis. The ozone layer is disappearing, threatening the destruction of the planet's civilisation. The scientists have discovered that the reason for the crisis is love. "When an inhabitant loves too much the feelings become so big that the body can no longer contain them. The feelings then leave the body, rise up into the sky and widen the hole in the ozone". Three inhabitants of the planet, Zylar, Barr and Zoinx, have been particularly guilty of feeling love. To cure them they are sent to Earth, because it's believed that if they fall in love with a human they will have their hearts broken and never be able to love again.

Zylar and Barr rely on contact ads and television dating shows to find partners, but have no luck. Zoinx meets Jane, a lonely lesbian who works in a stationery store. Zoinx and Jane have an awkward intercultural romance, oblivious to the fact that men from a secret government agency that monitors alien visitors to Earth are continually spying on them.

This is the sort of film that would have been made in the 1950's if homosexuality had been acceptable. On the surface the film seems to be parody the vintage sci-fi and UFO movies, but in fact it's more of a respectful homage. The film has been made with a low budget, but if more money had been invested it would have been spoilt. If the spaceship had looked less plastic it wouldn't have been suitable for the film. Zany, quirky, different. This is a film worth watching.

1 comment:

  1. but the spaceship (exterior) doesn't look plastic at all! it's clearly thin metal, probably left over from a couple of pies they bought during filming

    (it's amazing)


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