Thursday 28 April 2022

Hospital Day 14

This is the first helicopter I've seen land at Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus. The helicopter landing pad is opposite my window, as you can see in the photos I posted two days ago. It's just a bit higher than my wndow, so I can't look down on it. Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus isn't the sort of hospital that would have many patients delivered by helicopter, but this is a traffic helicopter (ADAC). There must be a story behind it.

Last night I slept badly, as always. Only two and a half hours from 4 am to 6:30 am. I only had light headache when I awoke. I was coughing, but not as much as usual. I'm happy to say that my eyes already feel less sore after only two days of treating my blepharitis.

At 9 am I was taken downstairs for my CT Scan. I'll be given the results tomorrow. I'm impatient. I don't like to wait so long.

When I cam back to my room my top priority was to write a short post about Klaus Schulze. His death has affected me more than I can say. After dinner I managed to sleep. I can usually sleep better in the daytime. I don't know how long I slept. Maybe an hour, maybe a bit longer. All I know is that when I woke up I was feeling delirious. That's something I haven't felt for over a week. That's something It happened a lot in the early days of my sickness, but I thought it was over now.

When I got out of bed, I found that I have a rash across my upper chest. It's probably nothing to do with my other problems, but it's worth taking seriously. I asked a nurse if I could see a doctor, but she said she would bring me some cream. That was two hours ago. There's still no cream. I'll wait until tomorrow when the doctor comes on his regular rounds.

Breaking news: a doctor just came to me while I was sitting writing this post. He told me that this morning's CT Scan didn't look good. I'm showing no signs of improvement. I'll be transferred to the hospital's specialist lung clinic in Gerlingen tomorrow.

The doctor also took a photo of my rash and told me he'll discuss it with his colleagues.

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