Saturday 18 May 2024

Tarot (3 Stars)

This is a variation on the cabin in the woods films. A group of college students, four girls and three boys, spend a weekend in a mansion. That's a step up from the usual cabins. In the cellar they find a wooden box containing a deck of tarot cards. They know that one of the students, Haley, is an expert in the cards, so they ask her to read their fortunes. At first she refuses, because she said it's a rule that nobody should use another person's cards, but they insist. It's only fun.

So she lays cards for them, one at a time. It's a weird method. She lays 12 cards in a circle, then the main card in the middle.

The next day they return to college. One by one the students are killed, each one by the figure from the main card in his reading. After some research, they find out that the cards are 200 years old. The astrologist who designed them gave a baron a bad reading, telling him his wife would die, and when it came true he blamed her. The astrologist's daughter was killed, so she killed herself and transferred her soul into the cards to get revenge.

From what I've read, the film is a box office hit, but the critics don't like it, and I don't like it either. There are too many jump scares, but not enough to cover up a poor plot. None of it really makes sense. Apart from which, the cards are poorly drawn.

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