Monday 16 September 2024

Things Will Be Different (3 Stars)

This is the 22nd film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

I have to admit something. I didn't understand this film. It seems I wasn't alone. Normally I'd rate an unintelligible film much lower, but I enjoyed the atmosphere and the mystery.

Joseph and Sidney are a brother and sister on the run from the police. They take refuge in a remote mansion that they call a safe house. In a small closet there's a time machine. Do they travel into the future or the past? It's not clear. All I could tell is that it was a short journey, only a few months.

They receive messages via an old-fashioned walkie talkie. Joseph and Sidney were doing a job for him. The robbery or something else? They're instructed to wait 14 days until they leave the house. But then they're attacked by different iterations of themselves who are trying to kill them. After killing their future selves, the voice on the walkie-talkie tells them they're stuck in a time loop that they need to break.

It all sounds fascinating, but I didn't get it. Nor did the people I talked with after the film. I assumed that they travelled into the future, which makes more sense to me, but most of them thought they went into the past.

In an interview after the film the director said he wants to make more films about time travel. I hope his next films are easier to understand.

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