Saturday, 18 January 2025

Das Grüne Wunder: Unser Wald (5 Stars)

I intended to watch another David Lynch film this evening, but this DVD was pressed into my hand with the words that I really need to see it. Its title means "The Green Miracle: Our Forest". All I can say is that it's incredible. It's a nature film by Jan Haft, who also made "Die Wiese" ("The Meadow"). The real miracle is that the film was made at all. How is it possible to film events like these? For instance, we see male beetles fighting with one another to win the right to pair with a female. We see a female fox (a vixen) giving birth. How is it possible to set up a camera so close without scaring the animals away? We also see a caterpillar entering a cocoon and a butterfly emerging. Okay, that's a bit easier, because the caterpillar doesn't move. But it's still a brilliantly filmed scene.

I really need to see more films like this. They're wonderful.

And tomorrow I can return to David Lynch.

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