Sunday 24 April 2022

Hospital Day 10

This is the corridor outside my room. Cold, efficient, German.

Today's the first day that I've felt any definite progress. I slept for a whopping four hours last night, from midnight to four am. That's a record for me so far. Hospitals are awful places if you can't sleep at night. I lie in bed, checking my watch every five minutes to see if it's six o'clock (the beginning of the day shift). I listen to every sound of the nurses walking in the corridor, hoping that someone will come to me.

Another improvement is that my eyes didn't feel sore when I sat up for breakfast. They still look bloodshot, and they started feeling sore a few hours later, but it's an improvement.

On the negative side, I was coughing violently when I woke up at four am. I coughed under my blanket, trying not to wake the others in my room. I didn't. Everyone in my room sleeps well except me. I had a splitting headache, probably caused by the coughing, which didn't stop until I was given my medication at 6:30 am.

This morning I repeatedly broke out in sweat, even though it's the coolest day since I've been here. I told the nurses – I didn't see a doctor today – and they ttold me to wait and see if it gets any worse.

One thing that I find curious is that my blood pressure is slightly raised. I've suffered from low blood pressure for years, so this is something welcome to me, whatever the doctors say.

Today's the first day that I've eaten my whole dinner since I've been in hospital. Roast veal, spätzle and carrots. At first I only intended to eat the carrots. Then I decided to eat the rest. It wasn't that I was forcing myself to eat, as I've done some days. I really wanted it. That's real progress.

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