Sunday 15 September 2024

A Different Man (3 Stars)

This is the 19th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Sebastian Stan plays Edward Lemuel, a man with a disfigured face. He's attracted to Ingrid, the girl next door. She becomes a close friend, but he's too ugly for her to want a relationship. He takes part in the trial of a new drug, and he's cured. He looks like Sebastian Stan! Rather than telling people his looks have improved, he changes his name and pretends to be a different man. He tells everyone that Edward has killed himself. He finally has a relationship with Ingrid, who no longer recognises him.

So he lives happily ever after? Not quite. He meets Oswald, a man whose face looks identical to his old face. The difference is that Oswald is outgoing and self-confident. Ingrid falls in love with Oswald.

That might sound like spoilers, but a lot more happens in the film. At first the film disturbed me. Edward was so ugly that I found the film distasteful. But as the film progressed it grew on me. I've given it a three star rating (i.e. average) because I don't know what to do with it. I need to watch it again, and I might rate it higher.

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