Friday 13 September 2024

Else (2 Stars)

This is the ninth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The film seems to be based on the recent pandemic, but the director says that he began to write it more than 10 years ago. There's a new illness spreading, so people are ordered to stay indoors. The illness causes people to mix with whatever they're touching. The illness passes by looking into a sick person's eyes.

If you're standing on a wooden floor your body becomes wood. If you're leaning against a stone wall, your body becomes stones. Once you become ill, the only way to remain healthy is to set a timer and move every 15 minutes.

Anx has a girlfriend Cassandra who becomes cloth after lying in bed too long, but he still loves her. Eventually he's rescued by a blind woman who lives in his house. Obviously, blind people are immune to the illness.

It's a strange film. It's mixed with absurd philosophical utterances. The blind woman claims that the illness is the next stage of human evolution.

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