Saturday, 25 January 2025

Swan Song (2 Stars)

This is a film based on true events, or at least based on a real life character. Udo Kier plays Pat Pitsenbarger, a retired hairdresser in Sandusky, Ohio. In his younger years he was also a performer in a gay bar. He's hired to do the hair of a former customer who recently passed away. She has to look beautiful in her coffin, and Pat's the best. The film follows the mishaps as Pat attempts to gather the materials for his job. Some are no longer on sale, and others are too expensive for his meagre budget.

It's a pleasant little story, and I've always been a fan of Udo Kier, but I couldn't relate to the character. Did the events really happen the way they're portrayed? It's hard to believe that a weak old man would be entrusted with such a ridiculous job.

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