Saturday 15 June 2024

Inside Out (5 Stars)

After careful consideration. I've finally upgraded this brilliant film to a five star rating. I admit that I'm biased against animated films, so it was a difficult choice. I was influenced by the Blu-ray's extra  features which spoke about the psychological studies that went into making the film. I shan't go into it today. I'll just discuss one of my pet hates highlighted by this Blu-ray (and DVD) release.

This is the German Blu-ray cover. As you can see, the title is "Alles steht Kopf", which literally means "Everything is upside down". Hmmm. I don't like that title, but it'll do.

My regular readers know that I've been living in Germany for the last eight years. As a result, I usually buy the German editions of films on Blu-ray. They have dubbed German dialog, but they usually include the original English dialog as an alternative. Almost always. "Seneca" is a notable exception.

If this were the usual state of affairs I'd be happy. But the trouble is that English language films are sometimes manipulated. I bought the German edition of "Inside Out" five years ago, but I hate it so much that I've rebought the English edition. Look at the following two screen shots. I've added the subtitles.

This is the scene from the English Blu-ray in which Bing Bong explains the sign above a door to Joy and Sadness.

This is the same sign from the German Blu-ray. Note that it's been changed into German. That's not too bad if the Blu-ray is watched in German.

But look what happens if you watch the German Blu-ray edition with English dialog. Terrible! It no longer makes sense, unless watched by someone who understands both English and German. In that case it's understandable but annoying. The German Blu-ray isn't suitable for viewing in English.

This corruption of film material is usually only carried out in big budget blockbusters. Another example is "Into the Spider-Verse". For smaller films an extra subtitle is added below important signs. That's more sensible. I should be given my money back for corrupted German Blu-rays.

Success Rate:  + 2.9

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