Wednesday 24 August 2011

Cry In The Woods (5 Stars)

I bought this DVD a few years ago on the recommendation of a friend who told me it was her favorite film. I wasn't disappointed. It's loosely based on a novel by Karin Fossum called "He who fears the wolf". I say loosely, because the film adds elements not included in the novel. I read the book after watching the film, and I have to say that the film is better. The film has more of a backstory.

Karsten Skov is a Danish policeman who has moved to the north of Norway. After his divorce he decides to return home. On his last day at work he witnesses a bank robbery. The robber takes a hostage who is an escaped mental patient suspected of murder, and together they hide in the woods.

From this simple story a very complex drama evolves. In typical Norwegian fashion the moral lines between right and wrong are blurred. During the course of the film the viewer develops sympathy for the robber. The search for the two criminals is less important than watching the friendship grow between the robber and his hostage. Karsten is obviously flawed and makes severe errors of judgement. After his last day he continues his investigations "unofficially" because he thinks the police are mishandling the case. Overall an excellent must-watch film.

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