Tuesday 27 September 2011

Gulliver's Travels (3½ Stars)

For me this is an example of a film being too short. Fleshing it out for an extra half hour or more would have made it much more enjoyable. In particular, Jack's visit to Brobdingnag wasn't developed enough.

Apart from the name of the main character and the island he's stranded on this film has very little to do with the books written by Jonathan Swift. It's a comedy starring Jack Black. That says it all. Jack plays Lemuel Gulliver, a mail man in a large New York company. When sent on a solo trip to the Bermuda Triangle -- do companies really do that? -- he's shipwrecked and lands in a country where everyone is smaller than him. Supposedly he's 12 times their size, but to me the ratio looked more like 24:1.

Is it a good film? Ho hum, difficult to say. I like Jack Black, but this isn't one of his best films. It's enjoyable, good for a few belly laughs, but nothing memorable. Like so many films made today.

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