Monday 3 June 2024

Fear The Night (3 Stars)

Maggie Q plays Tess, a former soldier who's served in Iraq. Her younger sister Rose is having a bachelorette party in the farm house where they grew up, a remote building that now stands empty. Apart from Tess and Rose, there are their older sister Beth and five other friends.

In the evening the house is attacked by men who are looking for money hidden in the house. Tess is the only one with the skills to fight against the attackers. She takes the lead against them, but one by one the women are killed.

The film is a mess. There's no character development. With the exception of Tess and Beth, we hardly know the women. We have no empathy with them when they're killed. The story doesn't make sense. Why do the men have to attack the house when the women are celebrating at the weekend? They could have entered the house a few days earlier or later when it was empty. I would have rated the film even lower if not for the excellent acting by Maggie Q.

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