Sunday, 5 December 2010

The Grudge (4 Stars)

After careful consideration I have to say that this is better than the original Japanese version. The American version is more linear and less episodic. It makes better sense. The subplot about Americans living in Tokyo spices up the film. I also find the film scarier. I felt at home with it as soon as I saw Bill Pullman do his Lost Highway stare in the opening scene. Now I need to watch the sequels.

1 comment:

  1. Hi from 15 years in the future. I just watched Lost Highway (as I slowly indulge the late David Lynch's filmography) and I was immediately shot back to 2004 watching Bill Pullman groggily wake up and go straight to his window. I was so giddy and wondered if maybe the actor himself ever commented on the similarity. I was almost certain he was going to jump-eek! I loved the Grudge growing up and thoroughly enjoyed Lost Highway. This was my first google after finishing the film. So, thanks for having this reference in your post! It's cool we experienced the same thing but from the opposite directions and over a decade apart :p
    ... on to Muholland Drive!


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