Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Birds (3½ Stars)

This is one of the best known of Alfred Hitchcock's films. It stands out as unique in his body of work. There is no mystery, no secret murderer. This is a supernatural horror story, based on a novel by Daphne du Maurier. In the small American town of Bodega Bay residents are attacked by birds.

The film is terrifying, and everyone can relate to the fear of being attacked by a bird that swoops down and pecks at your face. I would have rated the film higher, except for the anticlimactic ending. There is no resolution to the story. It simply ends abruptly, leaving the viewer thinking that 30 minutes of footage is missing. A disappointing ending to an otherwise great film.


  1. I did not see this film for a long time, because my mother had seen it and had told me tales of how it had terrified her. When I saw it I was prepared to be terrified. I wasn't which was something of a letdown. Having said that I was disturbed. And even today when I see more than one bird on a highwire I take a second and third look.

    Having said that, the film is well made (aside from the ending) and Hedren of course does very well.

  2. What terrifies me about "The Birds" is the realism. It's difficult to imagine being chased by a madman with a chainsaw, but everyone can relate to having a bird fly into his face and peck his face.


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