Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Matrix (5 Stars)

What can I say about this film to do it justice? If you've seen it, as I expect most of my readers have, you know what it's about and I'm sure you have been moved by it. If you haven't seen it there's no way I can describe it. In so many ways it's the perfect film. It mixes martial arts action and deep philosophy with dazzling futuristic science fiction. Love it or hate it, "The Matrix" can leave no one untouched. It prods at the very core of our existence. It challenges us to question the world around us, whether it's real or not. Of course, we shrug it off. The world we live in must be real. It has to be. And yet "The Matrix" plants a seed of doubt in our mind.

This is a film I've watched many times, and will probably watch many more times. I find myself mouthing certain lines before they're spoken. Simple sentences have a deep meaning in the context of the film.

"There is no spoon".

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