Monday 11 June 2012

Broadcast News (1 Star)

In 1987 this film was nominated for seven Oscars, including best film. I just don't understand it. The film bored me from beginning to end. I only watched it to the end because I'd already read rave reviews and I expected something exciting to happen. It didn't.

The film is about three employees in the news division of a television company. Jane is the workaholic producer, Aaron is a talented but bland news reporter, Tom is the charismatic news anchor. Both Aaron and Tom fall for Jane, and she's torn between the two.

For me the love triangle is unconvincing and not at all moving. I couldn't sympathise with either of the men, both are unpleasant characters in different ways. I couldn't relate to the chaos of the news business. The film was touted as a comedy, but to me it wasn't funny. Maybe it's just too American for me. I checked the list of the many awards and nominations the film received, and apart from two at the Berlin Film Festival all the awards were American. That could be the problem. Maybe it's a film that only appeals to Americans. Please leave comments if you have anything to say about this film.

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