Tuesday 25 April 2023

Masha and the Bear 2.1.3 - Growing Potion

This episode was first broadcast on 5th June 2013.

Bear is in the garden measuring his vegetables. He expects his carrots to be 20 centimeters. Isn't that the name of a song?

His tulips are even worse. Look at the way they're drooping. It's bad enough being small, but anything that's small and floppy is good for nothing.

So Bear heads into his laboratory. I bet you never knew he's a scientist.

But there's no peace for Bear. The door bursts open, and in comes Masha with her baby. She wants to know if the pig has grown since last year.

Bear measures the pig. Yes, she's grown.

Then it's Masha's turn. She hasn't grown at all. 

Bear has to get back to work. He tells Masha to stay out.

Bear's formula has worked. The tulip is standing tall and proud. No more floppy flower.

Bear goes back into his garden to apply the liquid to his other flowers. But Masha has seen what he's doing. She wants to be bigger as well, so she takes the glass and pours it over herself.

She grows and she grows until she's too big to leave the house.

Bear squeezes back in and mixes another potion.

This one shrinks the tulip. It's not as impressive, but at least it still stands upright.

He applies the new liquid to Masha. Look how small she is! Poor little girl!

Suddenly she starts to grow again!

She keeps on growing.

Masha is too big for our world.

Luckily the effect is only temporary. She shrinks back to her normal size.

Masha checks herself against the chalk mark on the door.

She never wants to get any bigger. She'll be a little Russian girl forever.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. What happens Masha too largest show?


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