Sunday 15 September 2024

A Place Called Silence (1 Star)

This is the 18th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's a film that divided the cinema audience. Some loved it and some hated it. It's a film that annoyed me. For most of the film I didn't understand what was happening. Shortly before the end of the film there were a series of short flashbacks, about 10 seconds each, which explained things. That's no way to make a movie! There are so many characters in conflict with one another. There's a mute girl called Tong who's being abused by her mother and bullied by girls at school. Several girls at school are murdered. Tong disappears, and a man confesses that he killed her, but when he tells the police where he buried her they dig up a man's body. There's a pervert who makes videos of young girls through their bedroom windows.

When the film ended I'd already decided on a two star rating. But then there was a mid credits scene in which Tong was sitting in prison singing. So she wasn't mute after all? Or she'd been healed? If I'd been eating popcorn I would have thrown it at the screen in rage. I felt that the director was making fun of the audience.

After the film I stood talking to people who liked the film. Interestingly, they had different opinions on what the film meant. One of my friends even claimed that the mid credits scene didn't take place in a prison, it was a religious cult. I give up. If anyone wants to explain the film to me, please write a lengthy summary in the comments.

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