Thursday 12 September 2024

Peg Of My Heart (1½ Stars)

This is the fourth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

A young psychiatrist has a patient, a taxi driver who's having nightmares. The psychiatrist can relate to him, because he also suffers from nightmares, so he doesn't just examine him, he does detective work to find out about the taxi driver's past.

The film is a shambles. There are so many nightmare scenes that it's sometimes difficult to tell what's really happening. The narrative is non-linear, jumping backwards and forwards in the lives of both the psychiatrist and the taxi driver.

There was one scene that was so ugly that I almost walked out. The psychiatrist gave the taxi driver electroshock therapy to cure him of his nightmares. That's extreme, isn't it?

Apart from this, there's a totally unnecessary mid credits scene.

Avoid this film. I'm being generous by not giving it a rock bottom one star rating. It's beautifully filmed. That's all it has in its favour.

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