Monday 21 February 2022

TV Series: The Avengers Season 4 Part 2

In between my films and my WWF television shows, I'm managing to watch a few episodes of "The Avengers". I mean the British TV series, not to be confused with the American super-heroes. I might even finish the fourth season some time this year. Today I watched three episodes, but I'll only write about "Small Game for Big Hunters", first broadcast on 15th January 1966.

The episode concerns a fiendish plot by retired British soldiers. In the Second World War they were stationed in the fictional country of Kalaya. They loved the country so much that they remained in the country after the war, but after a change in government they were expelled. Back in England, they've set up an artificial climate that matches the climate of Kalaya, including the high temperature and high humidity. In this artificial environment they've developed a strain of tsetse flies whose bite will kill everyone who isn't vaccinated. They intend to unleash the flies in Kalaya to wipe out the population, so they can keep the country for themselves and their friends.

Wow! That's an incredible story, and as "The Avengers" progressed the stories became increasingly difficult to take seriously. But that's the charm of the series.

I'm adding a gallery of photos of the beautiful Diana Rigg, all taken from this episode. She has one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. It's not just her facial features, it's the aura of calm that she exudes.

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