Friday 25 February 2022

Wonder Woman 1984 (5 Stars)

I missed this film when it was shown in the cinemas last year. I don't remember why. It's possible I was in bed with the flu. I just don't remember. All I can say is that I regret not having seen it in the cinema, all the more after watching it on Blu-ray today.

Apart from a few flashback sequences, the first Wonder Woman film took place in 1918. This film takes place in 1984, as you might have guessed. Diana's lover Steve Trevor is long dead, though the reason for his death isn't named. She's now working at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. Her specialities are cultural anthropology and archaeology. She makes friends with Dr. Barbara Minerva, whose specialities are geology, gemology, lithology and cryptozoology. I shan't deny it, I had to look up some of those words. However much I may love the English language, there are still some gaps in my knowledge.

Stolen relics have been delivered to the museum by the FBI for identification. One of the items is considered to be a fake, despite having an inscription in Latin that it will grant anyone one wish if made while touching it. Diana and Barbara each wish for something. Diana wishes that Steve Trevor would return. Barbara wishes that she could be more like Diana. Both wishes are granted.

Without going into too many details about the plot, the object is a Dreamstone, a magic artefact created the Greek God Dolos, the God of Trickery. Wishes are granted, but at the same time something is taken away, usually the thing that the person treasures most. Diana's powers slowly decline. Barbara's friendly nature slowly turns to cruelty.

Barbara turns from this...

... into this.

But at least she gets a better body. That's the reason she wanted to be like Diana.

I have to praise the actress Kristen Wiig who plays Barbara. She was 46 when she appeared in "Wonder Woman 1984", but she has an incredible body. She must work out a lot.

This wonderful lady also appears in the film.

I'll refrain from writing anything else about the plot until I watch the film again.

Success Rate:  - 1.2

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