Saturday 5 March 2022

800 Bullets (5 Stars)

Today I watched two films directed by Alex de la Iglesia with some good friends. It somehow feels better to watch more than one film at a time. I should do it more often.

"800 Bullets" is a genre buster. It seems to be one type of film, but it's really another. It looks like a western, but it's all make-believe. Julian Torralba used to be a stuntman in spaghetti westerns. He wore Clint Eastwood's poncho  in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". He's even kept it as a souvenir. Now Julian lives and works in Texas Hollywood, a replica of a western town, putting on daily shows for tourists.

The film is a culture clash. Three eras meet: the wild west of the 19th Century, the 1960's and the present. Julian lives everywhere except for the present. At least, he tries to avoid the present. He's jerked back to reality when his 12-year-old grandson Carlos comes to visit him.

If the film had been nominated for Academy Awards we'd have to decide who's the lead actor. Probably Carlos. The story is told from his perspective. It's a coming-of-age drama. Carlos visits the past in order to grow up, learning all the important things he needs to know in life: drinking beer, playing poker and fondling a woman's breasts.

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