Tuesday 28 November 2023

Napoleon (4 Stars)

I was excited about this film ever since I saw the first trailers. I'm fascinated by Napoleon Bonaparte, even though I've never taken the trouble to read about his rule. He's a character who has hardly ever been dealt with in films, apart from being a minor character, shown in passing. Is Ridley Scott the director who would finally introduce us to Napoleon, the man and his legacy?

The film disturbed me immediately by showing Napoleon as nervous and clumsy in his personal life. Maybe this is accurate. I don't know. It just doesn't seem fitting as a portrayal of one of Europe's most powerful leaders. Maybe Ridley Scott wanted to put this in contrast with his ruthless efficiency on the battlefield.

The film seems rather staccato, especially in the first hour. It rushes through Napoleon's early successes. Maybe this will be put right in the director's cut. I'll have to wait. I was especially disappointed that the film doesn't show Napoleon's forces entering the Vatican and kidnapping the Pope. That would have been an iconic scene. Once again, I need to wait for the director's cut. It isn't until the post-Elba scenes that the film slows down and shows a battle in more detail.

A large portion of the film is about Napoleon's relationship with Josephine. She was an important part of his life, maybe a factor in his downfall. It was interesting to see her looking bored when they had sex. One of the commonly told stories is that he was inadequate at sex. Is that true? Ridley Scott seems to have been convinced enough to show this in the film.

One thing that I did know about Napoleon is shown almost in passing. He wasn't a conqueror like Alexander the Great, or even Hitler. Napoleon wanted peace. He wanted prosperity for France. He only waged war when he was attacked or threatend by other countries. He's often compared with Hitler, and it can't be denied that many soldiers were killed in battle. But he wasn't a tyrant. He only wanted to rule because he considered the alternative leaders to be incompetent or corrupt.

Is the film worth watching? If you're looking for a historical account of Napoleon's life, probably not. I see it more as light entertainment. I doubt I'll watch the film again, at least not the theatrical version. I'll wait for the director's cut.

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