Sunday 14 January 2018

TV Series: The Tribe

Bray (Dwayne Cameron)

A few days ago I published a few photos of characters from the Tribe, screenshots taken from the first season. Here are some of the other characters. It wasn't that I forgot anyone. Since I was making screenshots I had to wait until I caught people in the right angle. This new batch of screenshots are all from the fifth and sixth episodes, which I watched yesterday. Bray was built up as the main character at the beginning of the series, so he was an omission that I needed to put right.

"The Tribe" is a cult series. It has all the traits of a cult series. It's relatively unknown. How many of my readers have ever seen it? On the other hand, the people who watched it when it was first broadcast, from 1999 to 2003, have a raging fanaticism for it. Coining a phrase from the series' theme song, they say that they're fighting to keep the dream alive. Last week I read a forum post in which someone wrote, "The Tribe wasn't just a TV programme, it was my life". Strong words. Those who watched the series were drawn in emotionally and will never forget it.

I'd like to make a challenge. If any of my readers are hardcore Tribe fans, I'd like you to write an article about the series for me to publish. You can contact me by leaving a comment below this post. The comment is only visible to me unless I approve it, so if you give me personal details (like your email address) nobody else will see it.

Zandra (Amy Morrison)
Lex (Caleb Ross)
Salene (Victoria Spence)
Dal (Ashwath Sundaresan)

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