Tuesday 1 October 2013

American Cheerleader Secrets (3 Stars)

The original name of this film is "#1 Cheerleader Camp". For some unknown reason it was renamed for the UK release. Why oh why do they have to confuse us like this? It's not like the new name makes any sense. The film doesn't contain any secrets.

After failing to get a college scholarship, Michael gets a job doing maintenance at a cheerleader camp. For his horny colleague Andy it's a pervert's paradise, but Michael only has eyes for one girl, Sophie, the mascot of the Beavers squad. When the squad loses some of its members Michael helps by recruiting strippers to replace them.

Unlike the "Bring it on" films, this isn't really a film about cheerleading. It's a romantic comedy, and if you pay attention you'll see that it follows the rules of romantic comedies:

1. Girl meets boy.
2. The girl doesn't like the boy, but as time goes on she grows to like him.
3. Girl and boy go different ways. (Sometimes geographically, sometimes she returns to an ex-lover).
4. Girl realises she can't live without the boy and returns to him.

Overall the film's plot is average, just light-hearted fun. On the plus side, the eye candy is good. On the negative side, Andy is so disgusting that he made me feel sick. It's common to talk about dirty old men as if they're men who just suddenly become dirty when they pass a certain age. It doesn't happen like that. You can't be a dirty old man without having spent years as a dirty young man. Andy is one of the worst dirty young men you'll find in any film.

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