Saturday 13 May 2023

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (3 Stars)

This is the 32nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It's a difficult film for me to rate. It depends on my criteria. As a sci-fi comedy it's a great film, worth five stars. As a Marvel adaptation it's awful. My three star rating is an average of the two extremes, but also a sign that I don't know how to rate it.

Adam Warlock is one of my favourite heroes in the comics, but what's happened to him? Roy Thomas portrayed him as the Messiah of Counter-Earth, but in the film he's a buffoon. And wasn't the High Evolutionary a good guy in the comics? He's been totally distorted in the film.

The members of the Guardians themselves are nothing like their incarnations in the comics, but I've already got used to it, so I won't comment on them here. The only character in the film who's true to the comics is Howard the Duck, but his appearance is so brief that it's hardly worth mentioning. Seth Green isn't even included in the credits.

The critics like the film, which I find curious. "The best Marvel movie in years"? That's only because the last few films have been so bad.

Just one small spoiler: At the end of the film Star-Lord (Peter Quill) leaves the Guardians of the Galaxy, but a few minutes later we read the words "The legendary Star-Lord will return". Does this mean he'll have a solo film?

As always, I'll return to the film when it's released on disc. It deserves another chance.

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