Saturday 10 February 2024

Howard the Duck (5 Stars)

Today is my monthly film evening with my friends in Korntal. Each month one of us presents two films on a common theme. Today it was my turn, and my theme was titled "Do you remember the days when Marvel films were good?" I'm a big Marvel fan, especially the silver age comics, and I wish the Marvel films were good. All of them. I buy a ticket for every new Marvel film hoping it will be the best film I've ever seen. My wish is never fulfilled. Things have been going downhill for Marvel ever since Disney took over.

"Howard the Duck", made in 1986, was the first Marvel comic character to be filmed. The 1970's comics were dark and satirical with only occasional humour. The film is just a comedy. There are jokes from beginning to end. Deviating from the source material is always a risk, but in this case it works. It's a hilarious comedy with jokes that even people who aren't comic fans can appreciate. The action is camp and corny.

When the film was released it was a box office flop, and the critics hated it. Since then it's been reappraised and is considered a cult film. It became popular when it was released on DVD, and its home media sales have been enough to make it a massive hit. It's just a pity that Lucasfilms had to wait 20 years. Even the critics have become kinder when writing about it.

In previous reviews I failed to mention the waitress in the Japan-themed diner, Crystal. She was played by Jorli McLain, who died in 2010 at the age of 49. She only has a small role, but she's outstanding. She's the way I want a waitress to be, cute and bubbly. And she'll forever be remembered for her line, "Hostility is like a psychic boomerang".

I'd already published this post, but when I looked at it something was missing. I had to go back and add a second photo of Jorli. She's delicious to look at, and she'll always be missed.

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