Saturday 20 April 2019

Pet Sematary (2019) (4 Stars)

Is there a reason for the bad spelling in the film's title? In the book's title? If it's explained in the book, please leave a comment and tell me what the reason is, but I still hate bad spelling. I always have and I always will do.

Like most of Stephen King's novels, the story takes place in Maine. Louis Creed, an overworked doctor has moved from Boston to the small town of Ludlow, so he can spend more time with his family. It's not just a small town, it's a minute town with a population of 400. That's the sort of place you would expect to be quiet.

Soon after arrival Louis discovers that there's a cemetery on his property where the local people bury their pets. It's a popular tradition in the town. His daughter's cat dies and he wants to bury it in the cemetery – I refuse to use the bad spelling – but his neighbour Jud advises him to bury it in a special place hidden behind the cemetery. The day after the burial the cat returns to the house. The neighbour explains that it's an ancient land with magical qualities that was known to the native Americans. The cat seems to be healthy, but it's more aggressive than before.

A few days later Louis' daughter Ellie is killed in a road accident on her ninth birthday. After her burial Louis wonders if she would also be resurrected in the special land, so he digs up her coffin and carries her body to the place behind the pet cemetery. She too returns from the dead. She looks the same, but she's a completely different person.

It's been more than 20 years since I saw the 1989 version of the film, so I can't compare them. I've been told that the new version deviates from the book, but it's a better film. I can't comment on that. All I'll say is that I enjoyed the film.

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