Tuesday 29 November 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.9.1 - One Hit Wonder

This episode was first broadcast on 7th October 2012. It's a heart-breaking tale that starts innocently enough with Bear watering his garden.

Suddenly he's interrupted by the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. You already know what it is, don't you?

She-Bear is walking past his house. Is it a coincidence, or is she trying to arouse his attention?

Whatever the reason, Bear is in love.

He grabs his guitar from the house and serenades her with a gentle calypso melody.

She stops to listen. She's never seen Bear acting so strangely before.

But she doesn't like the music. She walks away in disgust.

I've never seen Bear so sad. He heads to his fridge to eat whatever he can find.

He eats and he eats.

Meat, jam, honey, he eats everything in the house. I understand him. When I'm sad, my first reaction is to eat. They call it comfort food, but I can tell you from experience that food doesn't offer comfort. All that you're left with is a tummy ache, which makes you feel even more miserable.

Masha is a good little girl, even if she misbehaves a lot. She wants to make Bear happy again. She goes to the cupboard and makes a new guitar, much more modern than Bear's guitar. Wow! She has many talents!

She rocks out in Bear's house, much to his dismay. She's disturbing his eating.

She rocks out in the forest. There's no peace for the animals.

Then she has an idea. She borrows a camcorder from the wolves.

Later that evening Bear is still sad, but there's nothing left to eat.

Masha plugs the camcorder into Bear's television to show him what she's recorded.

Bear is not impressed.

Look at Masha go!

She's surrounded by instruments, but who's going to play them?

Rabbit's on drums.

The wolves are playing the keyboard(s).

And the squirrel is playing the mouth organ. I shan't capitalise his name, because there are a few of them in the forest.

Bear hates it. What's wrong with him? It's a terrific blues rock number.

But suddenly Bear takes interest.

She-Bear is dancing on stage with the band. That's the sort of music she likes.

She carries on dancing until the music stops and Masha takes a bow.

Masha turns the television off and hands Bear a guitar.

They set up their equipment in the garden and play a rocking tune.

She-Bear is walking by, yet again. I'm sure she does it deliberately. She wants to win Bear's attention. But now he's won her attention with his music.

She walks towards Bear. Does she want to dance or throw herself into his arms?

Their eyes meet. Bear's love swells.

Bear breaks into a calypso melody.

She-Bear walks away in disgust. Is that the best he can do?

Bear is left standing with a broken heart and a guitar in his hand. It's all his own fault. He had a chance with She-Bear, and he blew it. Masha turns to the camera and says, "You can't teach an old bear new tricks". There must be a better motto than that. How about "You have to let your hair down to win a she-bear's love"? That's not as catchy. Maybe "You've gotta play good music to get a groupie". I'm open to suggestions.

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