Sunday 13 November 2022

Marvel 1975.03 - Captain America #183

Captain America and the Falcon #183

Title: Nomad No More!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Frank Robbins

Villain: Gamecock, Boss Morgan

Regulars: Peggy Carter, Leila Taylor

Guests: Beast, Gabe Jones

The issue begins with Nomad in the middle of a battle. He was heading to meet Sam Wilson, the Falcon, when he was attacked by villains in bawdy blue and red costumes. The leader calls himself Gamecock. The battle is interrupted when a sniper on a nearby rooftop fires a bazooka at the combatants. Nobody is injured, but Gamecock and his henchmen flee.

Leila Tayllor was standing on the roof watching the fight. She tells Nomad that the Falcon has been missing for three days.

Down in the streets there are demonstrators who're calling the Serpent Squad (seen in the last two issues) heroes. They support them for kidnapping a capitalist. They're also blaming Nomad as part of the conspiracy to kill Madame Viper. Nomad tries to talk sense to the demonstrators, but it turns into a fight.

Nomad goes to Sam Wilson's office, where he finds Gabe Jones and Peggy Carter also looking for him. Why are those two always hanging out together?

Nomad goes to the office of Boss Morgan. He freely admits that he hired Gamecock to take out the Falcon, but he knows nothing about his disappearance.

In the streets Nomad meets citizens who're rioting because of the loss of their savings. The banks have been filled with counterfeit money. So that's what was happening last issue!

The Falcon's companion Redwing attracts Nomad's attention and leads him to a nearby rooftop. He finds the Falcon tied up and Roscoe dead. The Falcon tells Nomad that the Red Skull was so mad at finding someone else in Captain America's costume that he killed him.

After a long soliloquy, Nomad says that he won't let anyone else die in his place. It's time to become Captain America again.

The last eight issues have been thrilling, seeing Steve Rogers take on another identity. But now he's returned to his original costume, the one he was destined to wear.

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