Saturday 7 August 2021

Godzilla vs Kong (3 Stars)

I have to see Godzilla films. I can't resist them. Something draws me to them, even though I'm usually disappointed.

Kong (he's not called King in this film series) has been kept prisoner deep underground in a giant holographic jungle since he was captured in "Skull Island". This is to protect him from Godzilla. There are legends of titans who lived on the Earth thousands of years ago. They were in constant battle with one another. If Kong is allowed to live on the surface, even on a remote island, Godzilla will track him down.

It's believed that the Earth is hollow, and Kong used to live with other giant apes below the surface. The company Monarch believes there's a power source in Hollow Earth, which can be used as a benefit to mankind. They ship Kong to Antarctica, the entrance to Hollow Earth, hoping he will lead them to the power source. This attracts Godzilla's attention, and a battle ensues.

Godzilla also attacks Hong Kong, where a giant mechanical Godzilla has been built. Yes, it's Mechagodzilla from the old Japanese films.

The film has hardly any character development. We don't know who the people are, and we don't care. The plot has zero credibility. It's just an excuse to see three giant monsters slugging it out. The film's title should have been "Godzilla vs Kong vs Mechagodzilla". If that's all you want from a film, you'll enjoy it. I prefer a well written story.

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