Sunday 17 July 2022

Bigfoot or Bust (4 Stars)

This is a musical comedy directed by Jim Wynorski. Maybe the title should have been "Bigfoot or Big Bust". The film stars some of the most beautiful actresses alive, including the incredible Christine Nguyen.

A team of beautiful women is hunting Bigfoot in the mountains of sunny California. Funny. I always thought Bigfoot was sighted further north.

"You want me to join a Bigfoot hunt? I'll grab my weapons".

"A hammer? Maybe that's too small".

"What about a baseball bat? No, that's too Harley Quinn".

"A chainsaw! I love the way it vibrates!"

Christine goes into action with a mini-sword. I didn't know they made them that small.

It's not the size, it's the way she uses it!

The gang's all here. With hunters like this, Bigfoot doesn't stand a chance.

There are unexpected difficulties. A second girl gang arrives from the future. They're not hunting Bigfoot himself, they're hunting his droppings. (I only said droppings because I don't want to say shit). In the year 2050 Bigfoot's droppings are a miracle cure, so the future girls want to sell his droppings and become trillionaires. Don't get too excited, it's all about inflation. In the year 2050 a trillion dollars will only be enough to book a luxury cruise to the Bahamas.

Will the two teams work together or against one another? Obviously, the future girls don't want Bigfoot to be killed. They need to collect more droppings the next time they visit the past.

Yet another problem is the intervention of two rednecks who want revenge for Bigfoot killing their father. Or maybe they killed their father themselves and blame Bigfoot. They're not the sharpest knives in the draw.

So what does the topless man have to do with the story? He doesn't participate in the hunt, he just gives directions from afar. He's the gratuitous hunk so that Jim Wynorski can't be accused of being sexist. Unfortunately, the strategy backfires. As a man he's the only one in the film allowed to #freethenipple, so his inclusion in the film gives it a sexist touch.

So which team catches the Bigfoot? I'm not telling.

The film is hilarious. Its only weakness is the lack of the nudity that was common in Jim Wynorski's earlier films.

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