Wednesday 6 July 2022

The Matrix (5 Stars)

Many people say that "The Matrix" is the best film ever made. I don't rate it quite that highly, but it's still in fifth place in my top films list, a very high position.

What do people like about it so much? Maybe it's better to ask what I like about it so much. It has dazzling kung fu action and breath-taking shootouts. It has delicious sci-fi imagery. It's laced with philosophical statements that question our reality. Then there's the heavy metal soundtrack that numbs our senses. And it's a love story. It's a film like none that went before it or have been made since.

There are probably other things I've forgotten, but I'll leave it at that.

Watching "The Matrix" is a significant happening in people's lives. We can remember where we were when we first saw "The Matrix". I sat at home watching it on television when I was going through one of the worst periods in my life. It offered me two hours of distraction when I needed it most. That was in America. When I moved back to England I taped it, and it was one of the first films I bought on DVD.

The film's dialogue is so deep and meaningful that hundreds of sentences can be picked and quoted. It's worth reading the whole script of the film's screenplay. It's easy to find online if you search. If you copy and paste random passages to your Facebook timeline, your friends will immediately recognise the quotes. "The Matrix" has become part of our culture. Expressions like "the red pill and the blue pill" have become part and parcel of the English language.

"The Matrix" was made in 1999. It could have been left as a standalone film, but two sequels were made in 2003. A lot of fans were disappointed with the sequels. I understand their disappointment. The first film was such a pinnacle that it was impossible to live up to it. I personally enjoy the sequels a lot. They answered open questions while asking new ones. There was yet another sequel in 2021 which I've only seen once. I consider the fourth film unnecessary, but I'll be able to say more about it when I see it again.

Needless to say, "The Matrix" is a film worth watching over and over again.

Success Rate:  + 5.4

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  1. An all time classic and the only great Matrix movie. Have you heard of the Matrix killer? There's an ok documentary that talks and interviews him. It's called "Glitch in the Matrix".

    1. Well, I think it's the best Matrix movie, but I think the first two sequels are great as well, just not as great. "Resurrections" is okay, but I had mixed feelings when I saw it in the cinema. I'll have to watch it again.


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