Friday 17 February 2023

The Matrix Resurrections (4 Stars)

I feel reluctant to write anything about this film. It's not that I have writer's block (as often happens), I have lots of things I could write, I just don't want to.

The second half of the film is quite good, with spectacular special effects. The first half is like a parody of the first Matrix film.

The premise is that the machines and humanity have now made peace, but the Matrix is still necessary to power the machines. Neo and Trinity both died in the third film, but the machines have magically brought them back to life. As Thomas Anderson, Neo is a software designer and has created a virtual reality computer game based on his memories of the Matrix, so it's now possible for people in the Matrix to enter a Matrix inside a Matrix. That's actually a good idea, but it's not presented well. A director like Christopher Nolan would have done it much better.

"The Matrix Resurrections" is a film I'd like to forget. It shouldn't have been made. Even if the film's second half had a lot of Wow effects, it's an unnecessary film.

Please, please, please don't make a fifth film.

Success Rate:  - 1.2

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