Sunday 5 March 2023

Marvel 1975.12 - Warlock #10

Warlock #10

Title(s): How Strange My Destiny!
Who is Thanos?
Enter the Redemption Principle!

Writer: Jim Starlin
Artist: Jim Starlin

Villain: Magus, Matriarch, Thanos, In-Betweener

Regulars: Pip the Troll, Gamora

Flashbacks: Autolycus, Kray-Tor, Lens Teans
    Captain Marvel, Mentor, Eros, Death, Drax
    Captain America, Black Panther, Thor, Swordsman, Vision, Mantis

This comic is divided into three chapters. The first chapter begins with the Magus sending 25,000 Black Knights to attack Warlock. This is something that's happened before in the Magus' own past, so he knows they won't be enough to defeat Warlock. They're intended to slow Warlock down for three hours until the In-Betweener arrives. What the Magus doesn't know is that Warlock isn't fighting alone. He has Gamora and Thanos at his side, making it an easier victory.

Yes, Pip is in the room as well, but he doesn't do anything.

They retreat, but when they break out of the church they find themselves surrounded by thousands more Black Knights. Thanos suggests that they break through the ground into the chaurch's catacombs. My guess is that this is something Warlock didn't do when he was fighting alone, because the Black Knights can't find him.

In the catacombs they find the Matriarch dying. Warlock feels sympathy and even affection for her.

The second chapter is an interlude, in which Captain Marvel appears as the narrator to explain who Thanos is. Over the next two pages there's a short recap of the events in Captain Marvel #25 to #33. That was an epic tale, but the current story is even better. Says who? Says me!

Pause for a moment to admire the splash page of chapter three. Maybe it will tell you why Jim Starlin is my favourite artist.

Thanos has teleported Warlock, Gamora, Pip and himself to his spaceship, which he calls Sanctuary. It also contains a time machine. The Magus is unable to detect Warlock's location, so he observes the In-Betweener, who's walking in a straight line towards him.

Thanos tells Warlock that he's failed in killing the Magus in the present, so the Magus has to die in the past. He tells Warlock to kill himself, using the time machine, to assure that the Magus will never exist.

I don't understand exactly what significance the time machine has, but if Thanos relies on it, it must be powerful.

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