Wednesday 8 March 2023

Marvel 1976.02 - Warlock #11

Warlock #11

Title(s): Escape into the Inner Prison!
The Strange Death of Adam Warlock!

Writer: Jim Starlin
Artist: Jim Starlin

Villain: Magus, Thanos, In-Betweener, Matriarch

Regulars: Pip the Troll, Gamora

This comic is divided into two chapters. The first chapter begins with the Magus and his Black Knights attacking Thanos in his Sanctuary. This is a delaying technique. The Magus wants Warlock to remain where he is until the In-Betweener arrives. Thanos can defeat the Black Knights, but he knows that it will take too long, so he asks Warlock to absorb them with his soul gem. The gem itself, always hungry for new souls, begs Warlock to listen to him. Eventually Warlock gives in, and he absorbs the souls of every Black Knight with a single blast. He immediately regrets it, but the Magus praises him. This act of destruction has proved that Warlock is worthy of becoming the Magus.

Thanos holds the Magus back while Warlock enters the time probe, accompanied by Pip. It takes him to a weird, Ditko-ish universe. Left behind, Thanos speaks to the Magus. He says that the Magus is the Champion of Life, whereas he is the Champion of Death.

In the second chapter the In-Betweener arrives to take Warlock away. Warlock attempts to fight the In-Betweener, even using the power of his soul gem, but he can't affect him. The In-Betweener tells Warlock he has five minutes left, because everything has a pre-determined schedule. Warlock sees that his life has five paths ahead of him. He destroys the path directly ahead of him, the path which looks darkest. The Magus fades into non-existence in front of Thanos.

Warlock walks along the shortest path of his life. Years in the future Warlock meets himself. It's not clear which of the two Warlocks is the one that set out on the path. It doesn't matter. One Warlock is standing, the other is lying on the ground. The Warlock who's standing uses his soul gem to absorb the other Warlock. These are a few pages that I've read over and over again, never fully understanding them, but I enjoy the story nevertheless.

Thanos reunites with Gamora. Warlock reunites with Pip. The Magus has never existed. Only these four characters still remember him.

This is a powerful story.

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