Monday 9 January 2023

Marvel 1975.09 - Avengers #139

Avengers #139

Title: Prescription: Violence!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: George Tuska

Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Moondragon, Beast

Inactive Avengers: Vision, Scarlet Witch

Villain: Whirlwind, Toad

The Avengers are gathered around Janet Pym's hospital bed. Yellowjacket is carrying the Toad and demands that he do something to heal her. The Toad says he can't. He only stole weapons from the Stranger's planet, not medicines, so the police carry him away.

The Whirlwind, one of Giant Man's oldest enemies, bursts into the hospital room, intending to inflict further harm on the Wasp. None of the Avengers are fast enough to grab hold of him, but Moondragon hits him with a mind blast that makes him flee.

Yellowjacket is suffering from chest pains as a result of changing size too often.

Iron Man is worried about Hawkeye not having returned from the 12th Century, so he travels to Latveria with Moondragon. This is something I don't understand. Latveria is a sovereign country, even though its leader, Doctor Doom, is one of the most evil men on Earth. Can American citizens, even if they're superheroes, just fly into the country and enter the ruler's palace to use his time machine?

As it is, Iron Man and Moondragon don't find the time machine in the room where it normally stands. But why should it be there? Doctor Doom is free to move it into any room he pleases.

Yellowjacket goes home, leaving Thor and the Beast to guard his wife. He needs to rest because of his chest pains. Whirlwind attacks him. Yellowjacket defeats him, and he flees again.

Yellowjacket returns to the hospital, because he's realised that his chauffeur Charles is really the Whirlwind. He has to change size repeatedly in his battle with Whirlwind. The continual pain makes him collapse while he's ant-sized. Only the Beast's intervention saves him.

The Vision suggests to Wanda that they should return to New York. Is their honeymoon over already? Or is the Vision just too embarrassed to carry on wearing swimming trunks?

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