Monday 30 January 2023

Marvel 1976.07 - Captain Marvel #45

Captain Marvel #45

Title: The Bi-Centennial!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Al Milgrom

Villain: Supreme Intelligence, Null-Trons

Regulars: Rick Jones

The Null-Tron/cyborg hybrid has just asked Captain Marvel for help in his battle against the Null-Trons. To do this, he has to enter a large red gem in the underground chamber. This is a soul gem, one of six gems scattered throughout the universe. The gem on Warlock's forehead is also a soul gem, but the other four gems have been lost. These are the gems that are called the Infinity Gems in later comics. This is the first time we're told that there are six gems, and we see the other gems in future issues of the "Silver Surfer", also written by Steve Englehart. This red gem is later identified as the Mind Gem.

We see in a flashback that the gem was discovered in the dirt on Deneb IV. This is the scene P2 from Captain Marvel #41.

First the cyborgs throw Rick Jones' unconscious body into the gem. Then Captain Marvel follows him. Captain Marvel and Rick see one another on opposite sides of a glass barrier, as if they're in a mirror. Neither of them think it's real, so they start to fight one another.

On the surface, the Null-Trons and the cyborgs are fighting again. Through the power of the Mind Gem, the battle between Mar-Vell and Rick Jones is being used to power them. When Mar-Vell has the upper hand, the Null-Trons are winning, and when Rick Jones has the upper hand, the cyborgs are winning. The hybrid admits to his servant Rambu that it doesn't matter who wins. He wants peace on Deneb IV, and that can only be achieved when one side is defeated. The problem is that Captain Marvel and Rick Jones share their power via the nega-bands. Whenever one of them draws on his band's power, the other weakens.

The mysterious woman, Fawn, comes to Rambu and tells him he must help her stop the fight. She wants to enter the gem, but she says her substance is not of the universe, so she needs his aid. Strange. He takes her hand, and they plunge into the gem. Fawn says that if Rick dies she'll die as well. Rambu pulls Mar-Vell and Rick apart.

The Supreme Intelligence is watching the fight, accompanied by his servant Bun-Dall. He says that he arranged all the events leading to this fight. He's made the Null-Trons more powerful, which is the micro-circuit relay in scene P3 of Captain Marvel #41.

Fawn touches Captain Marvel, and he sees her for the first time. She says that it was a lie that Captain Marvel and Rick Jones are merging into one another. They'll only merge if they want to.

The war on the surface ceases. Fawn leads Captain Marvel, Rick Jones and Rambu out of the gem.

This is a confusing story. It's not clear what's happening unless you read it more than once, but it's worth it. 

Now we've seen the meaning of the first four scenes from Captain Marvel #41. Only the last two are outstanding.

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