Tuesday 10 January 2023

Superscott in Atlantis

This is the third and final Superscott adventure, written 50 years ago. Will he ever return into action? I hope so.

Superscott in Atlantis

One day Superscott was dozing in the sunshine on the shore of the loch. Awakened by a strange bleeping noise, Superscott looked into the water and saw a dolphin. Superscott set his electric sporran on translate. It seemed the dolphin was giving a distress message from the people of Atlantis.

Superscott ran back to the green tower on the black hill and put on his underwater gear. He packed his porage and his bagpipes and set off into the loch on his sub-scooter. The dolphin led him through a passage into the Atlantic ocean.

When they reached Atlantis, Superscott found the mermen and mermaids in a great state. What's more, the great city beneath the sea seemed very dark.

"Oh Superscott", bubbled the Atlanteans, "you must save us from the dreadful giant squid. See how he hangs over our city. He stings everyone who tries to leave".

"Don't fear", said Superscott, "we'll soon fix the fiendish creature".

In his sub-scooter Superscott mixed a large quantity of porage, which he fed to the Atlanteans. The mermen and mermaids could then move faster than the fastest fish. Superscott, armed with his bagpipes set on 'kill' – for each pipe carries a hidden, deadly dirk – and the Atlanteans with their spear guns commenced battle with the evil squid.

It was a terrible fight. Each Atlantean grappled with one of the squid's many deadly tentacles flailing on every side. The porage had given them new strength, and they fought on and on. When the squid had been weakened, Superscott took aim and fired the bagpipes, one, two and three. The water became pitch black with the ink of the squid. But at last the beast was dead.

Soon the tide cleared the ink away. The Atlantic was once more blue and peaceful. Superscott had a pleasant stay with the Atlanteans. The mermen and mermaids were shy people, like Superscott, and he was sorry to leave them to return to his home, where he was ever ready to fight any evil that faces mankind.

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