Friday 6 January 2023

Hui Buh und das Hexenschloss (3 Stars)

This is the latest children's film that I've taken my grandson Oliver to see in the cinema. The title's literal translation is "Hui Buh and the witches' castle". It's the sequel to a film made in 2006, but I wasn't aware of anything happening that I didn't understand. It's capable of being enjoyed as a standalone film.

Hui Buh is a ghost who lives in a castle that belongs to King Julius. Being a king isn't all it's made out to be. Julius doesn't have much money, so he advertises his castle as a haunted castle and invites paying guests for tours of the castle. Julius and the ghost are friends, so Hui Buh puts on a show for the guests. Unfortunately, he's very awkward, so he makes mistakes and the guests think the haunting is a fake.

There's a surprise visitor at the castle. It's his young niece Ophelia, a witch. She's running away from the evil witch Erla who wants to steal her spell book, the Necronomicon. Hui Buh takes the Necronomicon, and he's warned not to cast any spells, because they could infect him with evil. But the book is a talking book – see the picture above – and it encourages Hui Buh to cast spells.

And then Erla arrives in the castle.....

I wouldn't say that it's a bad film, but it didn't excite me. In my opinion, a children's film is only a good film if it can also appeal to me as an adult. There was a lot of laughter in the cinema, but the film wasn't funny enough to make me laugh with the children. Oliver said that he liked the film. I didn't.

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