Thursday 26 January 2023

Marvel 1975.11 - Captain Marvel #41

Captain Marvel #41

Title: Havoc on Homeworld!

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Al Milgrom

Villain: Supreme Intelligence, Ronan the Accuser, Lunatic Legion

Regulars: Rick Jones

Flashbacks: Yon-Rogg, Una, Thanos

Captain Marvel flies to the Kree homeworld Hala in a modified Avengers Quinjet. He should modify all their Quinjets, so they can get around faster. He's been combined with Rick Jones for the flight, however long it lasted, but they separate when they're in the streets of Hala.

They pass a building which is a temple of the Universal Church of Truth. This church features in the current issues of Warlock written by Jim Starlin. I'll write about them soon.

They're attacked by a gang of blue-skinned Kree because of their skin colour, so they fly the rest of the way to the Supreme Intelligence. Captain Mar-Vell has come to warn the Supreme Intelligence about the Lunatic Legion, but they're standing in front of the Supreme Intelligence waiting for him. Captain Marvel merges with Rick, and he defeats the Lunatic Legion in a brief fight.

The Supreme Intelligence reveals that he's been guiding Captain Marvel's destiny ever since Captain Marvel # 1 so that he can be his perfect opponent. The Kree, including the Supreme Intelligence, have reached a plateau in their evolution. They can only advance if the Supreme Intelligence absorbs Rick Jones' mind. He knows that Captain Marvel won't allow it, so he's offering to fight him. The Supreme Intelligence separates Captain Marvel and Rick, but now they only have one nega-band each. Together they fight against Ronan the Accuser. Rick discovers that he now has Captain Marvel's powers. He isn't as skilled in using them, but together they're able to defeat Ronan.

The Supreme Intelligence teleports Captain Marvel and Rick Jones away. We'll find out where they are next issue. Captain Marvel #41 ends with a strange series of six events.

I'll refer to these six scenes as P1 to P6 when we come across them in the following issues.

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