Friday 19 April 2024

The Invisible Fight (4½ Stars)

This is the fifth film in the Stuttgart Nights Festival.

Wow! This is the first Estonian film I've ever seen. I wonder if it's typical.

The story takes place while Estonia was part of the Soviet Union, so it's some time between 1944 and 1991. My guess is that it takes place towards the end of that period.

Rafael served in the Soviet army as a guard on the Russia-China border. While there he learned kung fu. After returning home to Estonia he wants to continue with his martial arts, so he applies to become a monk in an Orthodox monastery which teaches martial arts. I didn't know the Russian Orthodox Church encourages martial arts. I learn something new every day. Rafael only wants to stay a short while in the monastery, but the head monk sees something special in him. He says that Rafael will become a saint. Rafael doubts this, because he likes drinking vodka and listening to heavy metal, but maybe the head monk is right.

This is a hilarious film. Interestingly, no fun is made of the Christian religion itself. Christianity is assumed to be correct, and the humour comes from the way Rafael and the monks practise it.

It's already been released on Blu-ray in America.

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