Saturday 21 September 2024

The Last Unicorn (4 Stars)

A unicorn lives in a forest which is blessed by her presence. It's always spring, never too cold, never too warm. She wonders why there are are no other unicorns, until a butterfly tells her that she's the last of her kind. A red bull has driven the unicorns away, possibly to their death. The unicorn decides to leave the forest to find out if the oher unicorns are still alive. This is a risk for her. In the forest she's immortal, but when she leaves it she can be killed.

So she goes on a journey to find the red bull which is supposedly the servant of King Haggard. She's surprised to discover that nobody recognises her as a unicorn. People no longer believe in unicorns, so they don't see her horn and assume she's a horse.

When she encounters the red bull he wants to kill her, so a magician saves her by turning her into a beautiful woman. King Haggard's son falls in love with her. So what's more important? Finding true love or finding her fellow unicorns?

This is a delightful film that appeals to both children and adults.

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