Wednesday 27 February 2019

End of Days (5 Stars)

This is a film that's been slammed by the critics, despite being a moderate box office success. I know what's wrong with the film. The plot doesn't always make sense. Or rather, the film's premise doesn't make sense, but if you close your eyes to these faults it's an excellent supernatural action film. It stands out as a film in which Arnold Schwarzenegger proves he can act well when he wants to. That doesn't happen often.

Gabriel Byrne's performance as the Devil is stunning. He's exactly as I imagine the Devil to be. He's not openly evil, but he has a seductive way of talking. He has a way of making his point of view seem positive. He sounds very persuasive when he tells people he's the good guy and God's the bad guy.

Nevertheless, this is Arnold Schwarzenegger's film. He's moving as an ex-policeman who's lost his faith. How can a man without faith stand up against the Devil? Only by finding his faith once more.

Success Rate:  + 0.1

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I'm thinking about doing something different next month. I'll be on holiday for two weeks, and I doubt I'll have time to write reviews, at least not detailed reviews, so I'll post at least one holiday photo each day.

I also intend to listen to all of Klaus Schulze's albums in order. At the moment I don't think I know how to review music. All I can say about a piece of music is whether I like it or not. If I don't know what to write I'll just post a picture of the CD cover and a list of the tracks. I might start early next month, or I might wait until after I return from holiday. Probably the latter.

My Ai Shinozaki month will end tomorrow, and it wasn't as popular as I expected. I doubt I'll do anything like that in future. Or maybe I will. Don't expect me to be predictable.

In September and October last year I did a "Video of the Day" feature. I never intended to stop posting video reviews, I just haven't had time. I'll start again soon. I still watch YouTube videos almost every day, mostly children's videos, and I ought to write about the better videos. So far I've only reviewed children's videos, but I might write about other videos.

I'll continue with my Marvel Years posts. I'm going to make an effort to increase the frequency to twice a week, if possible. They take a lot of time to write. So far I'm up to April 1967. I want to continue to 1972 at least, maybe as far as 1984. I still don't know for certain. At the moment I'm writing about 10 comics each month. This will increase in mid 1968, which is the year when Marvel drastically increased its output. By the late 1970's I'll be reviewing less comics, because there will be more titles that I don't consider to be canon.

Is there anything else that you, my readers, want me to do? Films will always be my main focus, but I'm willing to add other things as I go along. Leave me a comment below.


  1. Post more photos of sexy women.

    1. Thanks for your request. It shows that at least one person is interested in replying to my questions.

      However, I shan't fulfil your request, at least not in the near future. Let me explain it to you. I like sexy women, but the target audience of my blog is film fans. I only publish photos of sexy women if they're somehow relevant to films. My recent Ai Shinozaki posts are a good example. There are photos of Ai all over the Net, but I've posted a small number of photos because she's an actress that many film fans might not know. I don't want to publish photos of random women just because they look sexy.

      I hope you understand me. It's all about the purpose of my blog. It's a blog about films, and however many off-topic posts I make it will remain a blog about films. My Ai Shinozaki posts were most definitely on-topic.


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