Sunday 26 December 2021

The Matrix Revolutions (5 Stars)

The critics didn't like this film much. It only has a 35% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That's all the proof we need that today's film critics are rotten. It's an excellent film that neatly ties up all the loose ends from the first two films. Peace is made between humans and the machines. There's no need for a fourth film.

Most of the people in the film are characters that we know from the previous films, but there are a few new faces.

The Trainman works for the Merovingian, transporting programs into and out of the Matrix.

Rama-Kandra is a program with human traits. He loves his wife and daughter. He believes in Karma. He's very soft spoken, and he makes an effort to explain to Neo that humans and computer programs aren't all that different. He tells Neo that he saw him visit the Merovingian in the last film. If you pay close attention you can see him in the Merovingian's restaurant.

Kamala is Rama-Kandra's wife. Sati is his daughter. It's not obvious where Sati should be sent. In the conversation with Neo it sounds like she'll be sent from the Matrix to the machine world, but later on it seems to be the opposite direction, because she's put in the care of the Oracle.

This is a very good film, whatever the critics say. I hope the fourth film is just as good.

Success Rate:  + 1.9

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