Sunday 15 September 2024

Skunk (2 Stars)

This is the 20th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film festival.

I'm standing alone here. There was loud applause when the film ended. Everyone liked it. Everyone except me.

The film is about Liam, a 17-year-old boy who grows up with abusive parents. He's put in a care home, where some of the boys bully him, but as time passes he makes friends.

I have an aversion to films like this. I don't like to see children being abused. I don't like watching the violence in children's homes. I tried to have sympathy with Liam, but he had too many bad traits for me to be able to relate to him.

Ignore my rating and watch it if you're curious. You'll probably like it more than me.

A Different Man (3 Stars)

This is the 19th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Sebastian Stan plays Edward Lemuel, a man with a disfigured face. He's attracted to Ingrid, the girl next door. She becomes a close friend, but he's too ugly for her to want a relationship. He takes part in the trial of a new drug, and he's cured. He looks like Sebastian Stan! Rather than telling people his looks have improved, he changes his name and pretends to be a different man. He tells everyone that Edward has killed himself. He finally has a relationship with Ingrid, who no longer recognises him.

So he lives happily ever after? Not quite. He meets Oswald, a man whose face looks identical to his old face. The difference is that Oswald is outgoing and self-confident. Ingrid falls in love with Oswald.

That might sound like spoilers, but a lot more happens in the film. At first the film disturbed me. Edward was so ugly that I found the film distasteful. But as the film progressed it grew on me. I've given it a three star rating (i.e. average) because I don't know what to do with it. I need to watch it again, and I might rate it higher.

A Place Called Silence (1 Star)

This is the 18th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's a film that divided the cinema audience. Some loved it and some hated it. It's a film that annoyed me. For most of the film I didn't understand what was happening. Shortly before the end of the film there were a series of short flashbacks, about 10 seconds each, which explained things. That's no way to make a movie! There are so many characters in conflict with one another. There's a mute girl called Tong who's being abused by her mother and bullied by girls at school. Several girls at school are murdered. Tong disappears, and a man confesses that he killed her, but when he tells the police where he buried her they dig up a man's body. There's a pervert who makes videos of young girls through their bedroom windows.

When the film ended I'd already decided on a two star rating. But then there was a mid credits scene in which Tong was sitting in prison singing. So she wasn't mute after all? Or she'd been healed? If I'd been eating popcorn I would have thrown it at the screen in rage. I felt that the director was making fun of the audience.

After the film I stood talking to people who liked the film. Interestingly, they had different opinions on what the film meant. One of my friends even claimed that the mid credits scene didn't take place in a prison, it was a religious cult. I give up. If anyone wants to explain the film to me, please write a lengthy summary in the comments.

Saturday 14 September 2024

The Substance (5 Stars)

This is the 16th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Demi Moore plays Elizabeth Sparkle, the star of an aerobics programme. She's fired on her 50th birthday because she's considered too old. She discovers a wonder drug that will give her back her youth. The drug actually splits her into two different women, one young and one old. The two women have to be allowed to live alternately, one week at a time. That's not as easy as it sounds. The two women become jealous of one another and attempt to stay active too long.

This is an amazing film, and I've given it a top rating even though there are faults. Parts of the film are stretched out too long. The last 30 minutes could have been squashed into 10 minutes. There are also problems with the style. Most of the film is serious, but in the later scenes there's too much comedy. Nevertheless, I like the film, and I hope to see it again soon.

Parvulos (3 Stars)

This is the 15th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The film takes place in a world that's been overrun by zombies. Three brothers live in a cabin on top of a hill. Their parents have become zombies, so the boys have locked them in a cage in the cellar. They keep their parents alive by feeding them animals in the hope that a cure will be found.

The director describes the film as a coming-of-age drama. That's not how I would have described it if he hadn't told me. It's a film that many of my readers might like. It's beautifully filmed, but I don't like zombie films. There's too much explicit gore for my taste.

Blood Star (5 Stars)

This is the 14th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Bobbie is a young woman driving through New Mexico trying to clear her head. She's not really heading anywhere. Her boyfriend has been abusing her, so she needs to decide what to do.

She's stopped by a sheriff who makes direct advances. She turns him down, but he continues to stalk her on the highway. She finds out that he's a serial killer who picks on women travelling alone.

Many critics would say that "Blood Star" isn't original. Maybe it isn't, but I find it perfect as it is.

Mermaid Legend (3 Stars)

This is the 13th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The film was made in 1984, so why is it being shown at the festival now? After being shown at the Yokohoma Film Festival in 1984 it was lost. Weren't any backup copies of the tapes made? Evidently not. The film was finally found in 2021, and now everyone can see it.

An industrialist wants to build a nuclear power plant, so he's buying the land from fishermen on the coast. One fisherman who refuses to sell is murdered. The fisherman Keisuke is the only witness of the murder, so men are sent to kill him. His wife Migiwa takes revenge. She goes on a killing spree, killing the industrialist and everyone who has anything to do with the power plant.

I found the first half of the film slow and uninteresting, but once the killing started the film is brilliant.

Friday 13 September 2024

Maldoror (4 Stars)

This is the eleventh film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's the true story of a massive scandal that rocked Belgium in 1995 to 1996. Two girls, seven and eight years old, were missing. The police were unable to find them, because the Belgian police system was in disarray. There were three major units, the gendarmerie, the municipal police and the judicial police, which competed with one another instead of working together. Only Paul Chartier, an impulsive young gendarme, had an idea who was guilty, but his efforts to solve the case were blocked by his superiors. When the dead bodies of the two girls were found, Paul was blamed for not finding them while they were still alive. He was fired from the police force, but he didn't give up. He suspected that there was a child trafficking ring, and the girls had only been killed because the police attention had interfered.

The scandal was the revelation that senior police officers and judges were involved in the child trafficking.

I'd never heard about this scandal. It would be good to read about it.

Project Silence (4½ Stars)

This is the tenth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's a mixture between a disaster movie and a monster horror film, once it gets started. The first 20 minutes are boring political discussions, but when the action finally starts it's an excellent film.

Dogs have been bred to be vicious killers. They're being transported towards Seoul. There's thick fog, and there are car pile ups on both sides of a bridge. The vehicle carrying the dogs also crashes, and the dogs break out. They kill anyone who leaves his car. There's a rescue attempt, but the helicopter crashes into the bridge, and the bridge begins to fall apart.

Finally a good film today! I've only deducted half a star because of the boring beginning.

Else (2 Stars)

This is the ninth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The film seems to be based on the recent pandemic, but the director says that he began to write it more than 10 years ago. There's a new illness spreading, so people are ordered to stay indoors. The illness causes people to mix with whatever they're touching. The illness passes by looking into a sick person's eyes.

If you're standing on a wooden floor your body becomes wood. If you're leaning against a stone wall, your body becomes stones. Once you become ill, the only way to remain healthy is to set a timer and move every 15 minutes.

Anx has a girlfriend Cassandra who becomes cloth after lying in bed too long, but he still loves her. Eventually he's rescued by a blind woman who lives in his house. Obviously, blind people are immune to the illness.

It's a strange film. It's mixed with absurd philosophical utterances. The blind woman claims that the illness is the next stage of human evolution.

She Loved Blossoms More (1 Star)

This is the eighth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

What on Earth is the director trying to achieve with this film? Is it art or absurdity?

A man called Logo wants to bring his wife back from the dead. He designs a time machine and asks his son Hedgehog to build it before Christmas. Hedgehog and his two friends Japan and Dummy spend their days experimenting with their machine when they're not smoking marijuana or getting drunk. They send animals back in time, but when they return they're physically maimed and have to be killed. They they send Dummy's girlfriend Samantha back in time, and only her head returns, also physically distorted. See the picture above. Samantha incessantly speaks poetry, which annoys the three friends. And... never mind the rest. The film is a mess.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Kill (5 Stars)

This is the sixth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's an Indian film, made in Hindi, and it's unlike any Indian film I've ever seen before. It has a very simple plot, but the film is effective in what it sets out to do.

Two soldiers, army captains, are travelling on a long distance train. There's a gang on board which intends to rob all the travellers. There are supposedly 36 gang members, but without counting, it seemed like many more were being killed.

It's a narrow train, so all the fights are at close combat. There are only short breaks between one fight and the next. It's violence for the sake of violence, and I was cheering for the heroes throughout the film.

This is the best film in the festival so far, and one of the best films I've seen this year.

Sayara (5 Stars)

This is the fifth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's the first Turkish film I've ever seen. Are they all so good?

We were told that the film was turned down by other festivals because it's too violent. After watching the film I understand why.

Sayara is a young woman who cleans the floor in a fitness centre. Her older sister Yonca is having an affair with Baris, the centre's married owner. When Yonca sees Baris having sex with another woman she films it and threatens to send the video to his wife. As a result Yonca is murdered, and the authorities are bribed to call it suicide.

Sayara sets out to take revenge. She kills everyone who has anything to do with Baris in brutal hand-to-hand combat. The killings are very explicit. Sayara isn't a good person. She kills people who are innocent just to make Baris suffer. That almost made me rate the film lower, but after thinking it over I've given it a full five stars.

Peg Of My Heart (1½ Stars)

This is the fourth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

A young psychiatrist has a patient, a taxi driver who's having nightmares. The psychiatrist can relate to him, because he also suffers from nightmares, so he doesn't just examine him, he does detective work to find out about the taxi driver's past.

The film is a shambles. There are so many nightmare scenes that it's sometimes difficult to tell what's really happening. The narrative is non-linear, jumping backwards and forwards in the lives of both the psychiatrist and the taxi driver.

There was one scene that was so ugly that I almost walked out. The psychiatrist gave the taxi driver electroshock therapy to cure him of his nightmares. That's extreme, isn't it?

Apart from this, there's a totally unnecessary mid credits scene.

Avoid this film. I'm being generous by not giving it a rock bottom one star rating. It's beautifully filmed. That's all it has in its favour.

Wake Up (3 Stars)

This is the third film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

A group of teenage environmental activists stay overnight in a furniture store to protest against the wood being taken from the Amazon rain forests. They spray slogans on the wall and generally make a mess everywhere. So they don't get bored they take their paint guns to battle with one another, three against three. Unknown to them, there's a mentally deranged security guard who reacts to the intrusion by killing the teenagers, one by one.

Is it a good film? That depends on what you want. The atmosphere is intense, and the jump scares are effective, but the story itself is weak. Is this really the way environmental activists would act? The film's premise is infeasible.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Speak No Evil (4½ Stars)

This is the first film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

It's a remake of the Danish film with the same name that was shown at the festival two years ago.

Ben and Louise are an American couple who live in England. While on holiday in Italy they meet an English couple called Paddy and Ciara with a son who's unable to speak. At first Ben and Louise are repulsed by Paddy's extroverted behaviour, but they begin to spend time with one another. They promise to meet when they return to England.

A few weeks later Ben and Louise go to spend a weekend at Paddy's remote farm. Once there they experience things that make them feel uncomfortable. For instance, Paddy seems to be abusing his son. When they try to leave the farm, they realise that they're trapped.

The remake is far better than the original film. Most of the story is the same, with only slight deviations, but it's a much better psychological thriller.

It's a good film to open the festival.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Super Wings: Maximum Speed (4 Stars)

Twice a month (usually the second and fourth Sunday of the month) my local cinema has a Cinemini event. It's a film specially picked for children from three to five years old. The lights in the cinema aren't completely turned off, they're just dimmed, so that young children aren't scared. Apart from suitable trailers, there are no adverts before the film. That's cool! Usually the films are shorter than usual, about an hour long, but today the film lasted 89 minutes.

Today was an important day for me. It was the first cinema visit of my granddaughter Evelyn, who was born in May 2021. It was a family visit for us. We were accompanied by her parents, my daughter and my son-in-law.

The film is a spin-off of a Korean television series about a group of intelligent airplanes. From the film alone I couldn't understand what the purpose of the planes is. The film concentrates on Jet (at the front in the picture), the world's fastest airplane. He does a job delivering parcels, but I'm not sure if that's his only job. It's a good job for him, because, as I said, he's the fastest.

Jet makes friends with a young YouTuber called Fay (or Pei in the original Korean) when he delivers her a parcel. This brings him into conflict with a villain called Billy Willy. Billy wants to stop people using YouTube, because he thinks they should play with toys, like in the old days. That doesn't sound so bad, does it? Unfortunately he also captures all the most successful YouTubers and shoots them to the Moon, where they can no longer work online.

Billy also wants to stop people visiting tourist attractions, so he covers them with goo. The Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the pyramids and other famous tourist attractions are covered with sticky stuff. Yuck! That should be enough to make people stay at home and play with toys.

Jet to the rescue! First he acts by himself, then his fellow planes arrive to help.

Evelyn enjoyed the film, but it was too long for her. After an hour she was running around. In retrospect, the usual one hour limit would have been better.

She didn't understand the story. When I asked her about the film she could remember the planes and a few other things, but not what they were doing. She's too young. But she said she wants to go again. I want to make a film fan out of her.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Dead In Tombstone (4 Stars)

For me Danny Trejo is the ultimate B-Movie actor. He's rough, he's tough, and his gritty face instils fear whenever he walks into the room. Is he a good actor? I don't know, but I don't care. If he were any different he wouldn't be Danny Trejo.

In this film he plays Guerrero de la Cruz, the head of the ruthless Blackwater Gang. The film introduces them with their wanted posters. dead or alive, they're wanted for huge sums of money. They're told about a large amount of gold stored in the bank at Edendale, Colorado. It comes from a newly discovered thick vein, but it's being held until a legal dispute about the ownership is settled. That's not a problem for Guerrero or his men. If it doesn't belong to anyone, they can take it for themselves.

When they break into the bank they get a shock. It's much more gold than they expected, piled up on the floor, too much for them to carry. Guerrero is practical. He says they should pick up as much as they can carry and ride off. His gang mutiny. They don't want to leave any gold behind. Apart from the gold in the bank, the gold mine is still active, so they say they want to stay and take over the town. Guerrero's brother Red appoints himself the new sheriff on the spot. Guerrero protests, so Red and the other gang members shoot him on the spot. The next day they rename the town Tombstone.

So Guerrero is dead? Yes. He wakes up in Hell, where he's being tortured by the Devil, who's played by Mickey Rourke. How many actors have played the Devil? At the moment I can only think of Gabriel Byrne and Will Smith, but there must be many, many more. Guerrero makes a deal with the Devil. He promises to kill all six gang members if the Devil will bring him back to life. The Devil agrees, adding his own conditions. Guerrero comes back to life on the first anniversary of his death, and he has to kill the six men within 24 hours.

Unfortunately, Guerrero isn't equipped with any super strength or immortality. He's just a man, and he can be killed again.

It's a dark, brutal film. It isn't just one man against six. His previous gang members have hired dozens of men to back them up.

The film was released direct-to-video in October 2013. Despite the poor reviews, I think it's a good film. Danny Trejo meets the Devil in the Wild West? What else does anyone want?

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Friday 6 September 2024

Wahnfried (3 Stars)

I bought this film because I wanted to find out about the life of Richard Wagner. Okay, I could have read a book or even spent time researching online, but I'm a film fan, and I get most of my information from films. I've already been criticised for this, but it's the way I am.

Unfortunately, the film didn't fulfil my expectations. It concentrates on the affair between Wagner and the married woman Cosima von Bülow, the daughter of the composer Franz Liszt. The film doesn't help any viewer like me with limited knowledge of Wagner's life. It was impossible for me to tell when the events happened. I knew it was over a period of years, because Wagner's son Siegfried became older as the film progressed. There was only one historical event that I could latch onto. Wagner shouted with joy when he heard that Prussia had just declared war on France. "We can finally drive the Jews out of Paris". At this point I paused the film to check the date of the Franco-Prussian War. July 1870. So I finally knew when the film was taking place.

But let's backtrack. The film begins with Cosima and her children coming to live with Wagner in Switzerland. Shortly afterwards Friedrich Nietzsche also arrives to live with them. Why? I'd have to read a book to find out. Cosmia's children, especially her oldest daughter Daniela, dislike Wagner.

For the first half of the film they live in Switzerland. Then they move to Bayreuth, a town that Wagner considers a paradise, because there are no Jews. When they arrive, Wagner has a house built. He also has a crypt built opposite the house, where he intends to be buried. Every afternoon he sits with Cosima looking at the crypt, discussing which one of them will die first.

Richard Wagner is an unpleasant person. He looks down on the people who listen to his music. He says that they don't understand his music, and he accuses them of falling asleep during the performances. He claims to love Cosima, but he yells at her whenever she interrupts him while he's composing. At other times, however, he becomes softer. He suggests they should move to Italy so he can concentrate on her and give up music altogether.

As for Cosima, she's a very stern woman. In the course of the film she never once tells Richard she loves him, not even when he declares his love for her.

Cosima's husband, Hans von Bülow, is a pathetic man. He intends to challenge Wagner to a duel, and he even takes shooting lessons to be sure of his victory, but he backs out at the last moment. He says that he understands music, and it would be a sin to prevent Wagner composing more operas.

Friedrich Nietsche, Wagner's closest friend, is a strange person. He says he's a vegetarian, but he likes to eat meat when nobody is watching. He tells Cosima he loves her, but she turns him down.

Wagner is a womaniser. Despite living with Cosima, we see him having two other affairs in the film. Cosima knows about the affairs and tolerates them. She tells one woman, an opera singer in Wagner's Ring cycle, "I want you to be with Richard because you make him happy, but as soon as the festival is over you should leave".

There are strange scenes in the film. Friedrich Liszt, who lives with the family in Bayreuth, has an affair with his granddaughter Daniela. Did that really happen? It's disgusting.

It's a difficult film for me to rate. It would have been better if the historical background had been explained in more detail, but evidently that's not what the director intended. The film has been made for people who already know about Richard Wagner's life. That's not me. But at least it's inspired me to do some online research into his life.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Cult of Chucky (3½ Stars)

This is the seventh film in the Chucky franchise. After it was made the franchise branched. There's a television series (that I still haven't seen) that follows directly from the events at the end of "Cult of Chucky". Then there was a reboot in 2019 which changes several of the premises of the original films.

The first time I watched this film I was excited at the way it gathered together characters from the previous films. I've calmed down a bit now. It's more low key than the previous films, not as much action or humour. The film takes place in a psychiatric hospital. Nica Pierce has been committed after claiming that a doll had killed her family. That sounds crazy, but it was true. Now she's been moved from a high security to a medium security institution because she's showing insight. "Insight" is an important word in psychiatric hospital jargon. Insight means saying what the psychiatrist wants you to say, whether it's true or false. In this case, Nica has shown insight by saying "I killed my family", even though she didn't.

But Chucky never gives up. His girlfriend Tiffany (who's possessing the body of the actress Jennifer Tilly) takes a doll into the hospital as a present for Nica. That's creepy, but the psychiatrist thinks it's therapeutic. And the killing begins again.

The biggest novelty in this film is that it's now possible for Charles Lee Ray to possess several bodies at once. This doesn't just mean multiple Chucky dolls. He can also possess the bodies of human beings.

"Cult of Chucky" isn't a bad film. It just doesn't excite me.

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Tuesday 3 September 2024

Robocop (3 Stars)

This is the September selection in my cinema's "Best Of Cinema" series. My intention is to visit every film in the series, but the last film I saw was "The Doors" in May. Family visits and holidays kept me away from the cinema. I want to catch up now.

"Robocop" was made in 1987. I vaguely remember seeing it on television in the early 2000's. I wasn't very impressed, but I couldn't remember why. In the years since then I've often heard it mentioned by friends who're enthusiastic about it. I know that it's generally considered a classic film, so I was glad for the opportunity to see it today.

The film takes place in a fictional version of Detroit, which is due to be demolished so that a vibrant new city can be built in its place. Crime is so rampant that it's deemed necessary to take drastic measures to stop it before the building can begin. The first solution is a police robot that malfunctions in its first trial. Artificial Intelligence wasn't as advanced in the 1980's as it is today. Then a second project is planned using a cyborg police officer, a robot powered by the brain of an experienced police officer.

Alex Murphy is a police officer who's been newly transferred to the central precinct in Detroit. He's almost killed on his first day. He loses an arm and both of his legs. He's the perfect candidate for the new project. The company running the project, Omni Consumer Products, is ruthless. Murphy's brain is wiped clean. He has no memories of his previous life, but he still has his instincts as a cop.

Murphy no longer remembers his own name. He's Robocop. At first he's very efficient. Then he has a dream of his previous life and (near) death. Instead of just doing his job, he wants revenge on the criminals who ruined his life.

I have difficulty understanding why the film is so popular. As we left the cinema, one of my friends told me it's one of his favourite films. I can't relate to the main character. He's hardly introduced before he's shot to pieces. His robotic self doesn't have the same charm as Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator 2". There's no humour to make him endearing. The bad guys are just ridiculous caricatures who laugh as they commit crimes. They're the sort of crooks we'd see in a cheap B-Movie. I have nothing against cheap B-Movies, but "Robocop" wants to be taken seriously. Or does it? There are satirical elements in the film, but not enough for it to be comical. "Robocop" fails where the 1989 version of "Batman" succeeds.

It seems that I'm in a tiny minority of people who don't like "Robocop". I'll make an offer to my readers. If anyone wants to write a full review praising the film, I'll publish it. I'm allowing a second opinion.

Success Rate:  + 1.9

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Monday 2 September 2024

Barbie (5 Stars)

It is literally impossible to be a woman.

We have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.

You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin.

You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. 

You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas.

You're supposed to love being a mother but don't talk about your kids all the damn time.

You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people.

You have to answer for men's bad behaviour, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining.

You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful.

But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful.

You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line.

It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you!

And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.

I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us.

Success Rate:  + 9.3

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Sunday 1 September 2024

Haunting Desires (4½ Stars)

I can already hear my readers screaming that I've made a mistake. The film is called "Grave Desires". That's what it says on the Blu-ray box. Yes, I know, but the film's original title was "Haunting Desires" when it was released in 2003. The title was changed for the new release for copyright reasons. But I'm glad that I finally have it in my hands. I say finally, because it's the only Medina film which hasn't been released until now, apart from a censored version that Fred Olen Ray put together for Blockbuster.

The film is about a strip club in which the dancers are vampires. They make no attempt to hide their activities. They leave the corpses of their male customers naked and drained of blood where they're easy to find. The police are quick to investigate. Detective Trout (Jay Richardson) is aided by the newspaper reporter Jill Connor (Beverly Lynne). Or is he hindered by her? It's a bit of both.

For me, the person who carries the film is Evan Stone as the vampire Adrian. Evan is a prolific actor who's made over 1200 films, but I consider this his best role. This was his second film with Fred Olen Ray after "Tomb of the Werewolf", and they went on to make another 12 films together.

For some reason, Eric Masterson isn't credited, despite having a lot of screen time. He plays Jill Connor's unfaithful husband.

I find it difficult to believe any man would be unfaithful to a woman who looks like this. Beverly Lynne must be one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

The film isn't available from Amazon. It's sold exclusively by Makeflix, like most of the other recent Retromedia films.

Here's a summary of the Retromedia films so far, with the Blu-ray releases marked.

The Medina Collection

1. Thirteen Erotic Ghosts (2002)
2. (BR) Bikini Airways (2003)
3. (BR) Haunting Desires (2003)
4. Curse of the Erotic Tiki (2003)
5. Bikini Carwash Academy (2004)
6. Erotic Dreams of Jeannie (2004)
7. Teenage Cavegirl (2004)
8. The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful (2005)
9. Bikini Chain Gang (2005)
10. Ghost in a Teeny Bikini (2006)
11. Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet (2006)
12. Harlots of the Caribbean (2006)
13. Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes (2006)
14. Bewitched Housewives (2006)
15. The Girl from BIKINI (2006)
16. Super Ninja Doll (2007)
17. Tarzeena (2007)
18. Voodoo Dollz (2008)
19. Bikini Royale (2008)
20. (BR) Bikini Frankenstein (2009)
21. (BR) Twilight Vamps (2009)
22. Bikini Royale 2 (2009)
23. (BR) Bikini Jones and the Temple of Eros (2009)
24. Housewives from Another World (2010)
25. Lady Chatterley's Ghost (2010)
26. Bikini Time Machine (2010)
27. Sexual Witchcraft (2010)
28. Bikini Warriors (2010)
29. The Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad (2011)
30. Dirty Blondes from Beyond (2012)
31. Busty Housewives of Beverly Hills (2012)
32. (BR) Baby Dolls Behind Bars (2012)

The McKendrick Collection

1. Strippers from another world (2013)
2. Big Bust Theory (2013)
3. Intergalactic Swingers (2013)
4. (BR) All Babe Network (2013)
5. Great Bikini Bowling Bash (2014)
6. Stacked Racks from Mars (2014)
7. Atomic Hotel Erotica (2014)
8. Lolita from Interstellar Space (2014)
9. Sexy Warriors (2014)
10. Bikini Avengers (2015)
11. (BR) College Coeds vs Zombie Housewives (2015)
12. Lust in Space (2015)
13. Erotic Vampires of Beverly Hills (2015)
14. Invisible Centerfolds (2015)
15. (BR) Cinderella's Hot Night (2017)
16. (BR) Sleeping Beauties (2017)

The Apocrypha

1. (BR) Bad Girls Behind Bars (2016)
2. Vixens From Venus (2016)
3. Cyborg Hookers (2016)
4. Cosmic Calendar Girls (2016)
5. Escape From Pleasure Planet (2016)
6. (BR) Paranormal Sexperiments (2016)

The Medina Collection consists of films directed by Fred Olen Ray using the pseudonym Juan Medina. The McKendrick Collection consists of films directed by Dean McKendrick. The Apocrypha consists of films directed for Retromedia by other directors.

(1) "Bikini Carwash Academy" (Medina 5) was re-released with a different opening credits sequence, listing the director as Sherman Scott.
(2) "Tomb of the Werewolf" (not listed above) was directed by Fred Olen Ray using his own name, but it's in the Medina style. It has almost the same cast as "Haunting Desires".
(3) Dean McKendrick made seven erotic thrillers for Retromedia, not listed above.
(4) Apocrypha? If you have a better name for these films, let me know.

That's 12 out of 54 films released on Blu-ray so far. At the current speed they won't all be available on Blu-ray until 2040. I'm hoping Fred will speed up, but there are problems with the early Medina films. The first films were made in single density, so they'll need time-intensive remastering to be prepared for Blu-ray. Fred will only do that if he's 100% certain he'll make a profit. The later films shot in high density can be transferred to Blu-ray with a minimum of effort.