Tuesday 14 June 2022

Sleeping Beauties (5 Stars)

This is the second film on the "Frisky Fairy Tales" Blu-ray. I haven't been paying attention to the stories, because I know both of them already. I've already reviewed both films twice in the past. I've been concentrating on the picture quality. The difference is amazing. I've attempted to get an identical screenshot of Ted Newsom as an example.

This is a screenshot from the DVD.

This is the same scene from the Blu-ray. A first glance the two pictures look identical, but take a closer look. The skin complexion looks more natural in high definition. You can see the wrinkles on Ted's forehead more clearly. (Sorry, Ted). Ted's chin looks more natural. But the biggest leap in quality is the pattern on his jacket, which looks washed out on the DVD.

Is this difference in quality worth the higher price and possibly rebuying a film you already have? That's a question everyone needs to ask himself. I say Yes.

But if you're a hot-blooded man like me, you don't want to spend all day staring at Ted Newsom. (Sorry again, Ted). This is Beauty, with or without a capital B, played by Sarah Hunter. I don't have a DVD screenshot as comparison, but take my word for it that she looks perfect at the higher resolution.

She looks beauty-full with or without her clothes. Every pixel is in the right place.

This isn't the kiss that woke Beauty, but just because she's awake it doesn't mean she has to stop kissing.

Here's one more pair of screenshots as comparison. This is Beauty in the DVD.

This is Beauty in the Blu-ray. Apart from having a more natural looking face, her eyes sparkle more. Does anyone still doubt that Blu-ray is the way to go?

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