Tuesday 7 June 2022

Klaus Schulze: Dziekuje Bardzo (2009)

Klaus Schulze - Dziekuje Bardzo

KS Album 51

Track Listing (CD 1):

1. Shoreless Two 28:23
2. Bazylika NSJ 41:34

Track Listing (CD 2):

1. Godspell 20:25
2. Shoreless One 33:14

Track Listing (CD 3):

1. Ocean of Innocence 41:32
2. Spanish Ballerina 06:38

Notes: Lisa Gerrard sings vocals on all tracks except for Shoreless One and Two..

Rating: 5 Stars

This is the 51st solo album recorded by Klaus Schulze. The album's title means "Thank you very much" in Polish. The first three tracks were recorded live in Warsaw, Poland on 13th November 2008. The last three tracks were recorded live in Berlin, Germany on 12th November 2008. The album is very clean, with no audience noises. 

It's a wonderful album, perfect in every way. The two concerts were played only one day apart (in reverse order on the CDs), but the styles are distinct, and they complement one another perfectly. In the second concert operatic samples are used, which were missing in the first concert.

At the "Rheingold" concert Klaus asked the audience if they wanted a sequencer song or a song with Lisa Gerrard, presenting them as alternatives. At the new concerts Lisa repeatedly sings over complex sequencer pieces, improvising as Klaus changes tempo. I'm astounded by the way they perform together, even more tightly connected than in the "Rheingold" concert. They've grown together. Any doubts I had about their collaboration when I reviewed the "Farscape" album are gone. They're a perfect pair.

Five stars. "Dziekuje Bardzo" doesn't deserve less.


  1. I will add very immodestly that I am the co-author of the title of the album. Why? Thank you very much can be translated into Polish in two ways: Dziękuję Bardzo or Bardzo Dziękuję. Both Polish versions are correct. KDM asked me which version is better and proper. I replied: if I was standing on the stage after the concert and wanted to thank the audience, I would say Dziękuję Bardzo and not the other way around.

    1. I always thought it was expressed this way to match "Dziękuję Poland".


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