Thursday 2 June 2022

The Lost City (4 Stars)

Today's the first time I've been to the cinema since 10th April. Almost eight weeks without cinema visits. I've missed going to the cinema. Many people are happy sitting at home watching Netflix on their television, or worse still on their laptop, but not me. Seeing films on a big screen is an immersive experience that should be enjoyed as often as possible. My usual goal is twice a week, depending on what's being shown. Today's a special day, the end of my cinema abstinence, so I've planned two films back to back. This is the first.

Loretta Sage (Sandra Bullock) is a widowed romance novelist. She writes action stories that star an adventurer called Dash. A model called Alan Caprison (Channing Tatum) appears on the cover of her books portraying Dash. He accompanies her on a book tour, and she's shocked to find that her readers are more interested in him than the books. Have they only been buying the books for his picture on the cover? Possibly.

After the first stage of the book tour Loretta is kidnapped by a millionaire called Abigail Fairfax, played by Daniel Radcliffe. Yes, I thought Abigail was a woman's name as well. After reading Loretta's latest book, "The Lost City of D", he's recognised that the city described is based on researches carried out by Loretta's late husband, an archaeologist. He sends her to the remote island described in her book to search for hidden treasure.

Alan follows Loretta to the island to rescue her. Loretta's publisher, Beth Hatten (Davine Joy Randolph) also follows her in order to protect her investment. Loretta is her best selling author, even if the books are only being bought for the covers.

The film is a comedy with some slapstick action. A lot of humour is based on Alan Caprison's lack of intelligence, but at least he has a good heart. "The Lost City" isn't funny enough to make me laugh out loud, but it's still enjoyable.

The film's cast at the premiere: Patti Harrison, Daniel Radcliffe, Davine Joy Randolph and Sandra Bullock. Channing Tatum couldn't make it. Daniel (5'4") looks so tiny when he's surrounded by big women wearing high heels to make themselves look even bigger.

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